Sunday, November 22, 2020

On Christian Charity

 My lovely wife is a Lutheran, and recently I had a spate of unemployment.

I filed for government unemployment assistance and received it, but I just missed the big extra that was available this past spring. I got one extra chunk from the 'Trump extra' that he jiggered loose from elsewhere in the federal budget, but we were still well short of being able to pay all of our responsibilities.

Kate put it out to all her church friends and even to people she'd just met via a yard sale we were having late summer.

Several of these people responded by sending us cash, unsolicited!

My wife handed me the first $800 saying "this is from God!" She asked "do you believe this?" I said "yes" ...

But I don't see it that way, really.

There is a belief among my wife and her Christian social group that "God will provide" ... and apparently they feel compelled to help God/ act in God's place, something like that. So a human social web was in charge, however inspired.

I am not complaining, trust me; I am grateful for this blessing. As challenging as the months of unemployment have been, they'd have been so much worse without this charity.

My goal is to get our finances in order so that we can send some of this back into the community, particularly to the local food bank which my wife has been taking advantage of for the last couple of months, as well. (This would never have occurred to me.)

I am working now, but catching up on some payments that we had to let slide during the last few months ... also starting a business that should start producing extra revenue shortly.

Uh, halleleujah!?

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