I smoked marijuana rather successfully (i.e. I graduated from college in 1978 and
worked throughout the rest of the period as a computer programmer) from 1977 to 1987.
But in 1985 I started reading Robert Monroe's book Journeys Out of the Body, about
his OOBE's. The sequel, Far Journeys, revealed that Monroe had quit his career as
a cable TV executive and founded a research institute to explore the OOBE.

The Monroe Institute, which still seems to be going strong today, gives various programs for the public. In the 1980's their first program was "The Gateway Voyage". (They're still at it; check their website.)
Far Journeys has a section describing an episode of OOBE sex between two participants.
Since at that point in my life I was unattached (yet on fire sexually!) I signed up the week after I read this.
The Institute responded with an intake form that one was supposed to fill out and return with the fee, and I answered the questions honestly. One was "what mind-altering substances do you use?" ... or words to that effect. I replied honestly that yes, I smoked marijuana once or twice per week.
The Institute replied that "you're accepted for the August 1987 Gateway Voyage ... and please cease your use of marijuana" for the duration. This was in February 1987.
I thought "oh, no" but wanted to give the program a chance on its own
terms. I had "one more for the road" and gave the rest of my stash away to a colleague. I didn't miss it as much as I had anticipated ...
For one thing, TMI sends participants this audio package (at the time tape but these days probably mp3) of 'hemi-sync' that is designed to get the two halves of your brain in sync and in shape to experience "expanded awareness." OK, I was ready to try this ...
I started using the tapes regularly when they arrived, and at some point I started to feel these episodes of "vibration," as if I were a water pipe and someone had turned on high pressure water through me. I didn't know what to make of this, though it didn't seem to be harmful.
I kept this up through the 6 months before I left for the Gateway Voyage, just "vibrating" periodically but not otherwise getting much into expanded awareness as far as I could tell.
The course itself wasn't mindblowing, at least for me, but was very pleasant. The setting is in the rolling hills near Charlottesville VA, in a dormitory-style building that has sleeping quarters wired for audio, the better to put hemi-sync through to the participants ... There are way more bathrooms than would otherwise be justified in such a facility, as the staff advises all to relieve themselves before one of the hemi-sync sessions so as not to be slammed back into one's body by having to pee!
As for any improvement in my sex life, there was none either in body nor out. I basically got blasted with hemi-sync all week but I really didn't have anything like a paranormal experience; just "vibrated" a bit.
I came home and was just feeling wonderfully energetically "open" until ...
I got ahold of another batch of marijuana and smoked a bit ...
This was like turning off a light switch the way the energy in my body was closed down.
I was shocked ... until I thought about it a bit.
I started smoking marijuana as a completely left-brained teenager, so the energy blocked would have been mainly my left brain and for the first time allowed me to experience colors, taste food, etc.
But at age 30 when operating on both energy channels ... an energy block is just a block.
I stopped smoking grass after that one joint and haven't had another since ... I since then have been energetically a bit more open or closed at various times and really haven't missed marijuana.
The Institute replied that "you're accepted for the August 1987 Gateway Voyage ... and please cease your use of marijuana" for the duration. This was in February 1987.
I thought "oh, no" but wanted to give the program a chance on its own
terms. I had "one more for the road" and gave the rest of my stash away to a colleague. I didn't miss it as much as I had anticipated ...
For one thing, TMI sends participants this audio package (at the time tape but these days probably mp3) of 'hemi-sync' that is designed to get the two halves of your brain in sync and in shape to experience "expanded awareness." OK, I was ready to try this ...
I started using the tapes regularly when they arrived, and at some point I started to feel these episodes of "vibration," as if I were a water pipe and someone had turned on high pressure water through me. I didn't know what to make of this, though it didn't seem to be harmful.
I kept this up through the 6 months before I left for the Gateway Voyage, just "vibrating" periodically but not otherwise getting much into expanded awareness as far as I could tell.
The course itself wasn't mindblowing, at least for me, but was very pleasant. The setting is in the rolling hills near Charlottesville VA, in a dormitory-style building that has sleeping quarters wired for audio, the better to put hemi-sync through to the participants ... There are way more bathrooms than would otherwise be justified in such a facility, as the staff advises all to relieve themselves before one of the hemi-sync sessions so as not to be slammed back into one's body by having to pee!
As for any improvement in my sex life, there was none either in body nor out. I basically got blasted with hemi-sync all week but I really didn't have anything like a paranormal experience; just "vibrated" a bit.
I came home and was just feeling wonderfully energetically "open" until ...
I got ahold of another batch of marijuana and smoked a bit ...
This was like turning off a light switch the way the energy in my body was closed down.
I was shocked ... until I thought about it a bit.
I started smoking marijuana as a completely left-brained teenager, so the energy blocked would have been mainly my left brain and for the first time allowed me to experience colors, taste food, etc.
But at age 30 when operating on both energy channels ... an energy block is just a block.
I stopped smoking grass after that one joint and haven't had another since ... I since then have been energetically a bit more open or closed at various times and really haven't missed marijuana.
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