(1) We continue to prosper financially beyond what one could reasonably expect .. my work is going well, and we just attracted some consulting help that will help us pay off another big chunk of debt, if this plan works at all.
(2) I've come into a few health challenges the past several months, but fortunately nothing at all life-threatening, just annoying, uh, plumbing issues. I have what seem to be competent doctors involved and expect a reduction in my symptoms (if not a complete cure) within the next several months.
(3) I live in an era where are there are several assets available not around previously:
- An online community to discuss (anoymously) health symptoms and other ideas
- A relatively open and tolerant political environment (though of course challenges remain)
(4) My loving wife still is hanging in there with me, despite my faults ...
(5) Last and least: I've been playing Wordle and enjoying it very much.