Wednesday, December 9, 2020

How to Tell if Your Guests are Safe to Visit for the Holidays ... without sticking anything up their noses!

 The coronavirus tests currently available are rather invasive, requiring a swab to be put way up the nose:

I originally asked my stepson and his girlfriend to take this sort of test before I would allow them into our house for Thanksgiving; they said no. I then remembered I knew another way to test!

It's called behavioral kinesiology: basically your body already knows everything there is to know.

Dr. Diamond used to randomly distribute blank packets across the audiences he spoke in front of. The packets had two different substances:

  • 1/2 had artificial sweetener
  • 1/2 had organic vitamin C
He then had each member of the audience turn to his or her neighbor and do this sort of

Basically the idea is that the body tests "strong" (locking the muscle) in the presence of beneficial substances (or ideas) and "weak" in the presence of harmful substances (or ideas). Diamond reports that the audience did these tests and then examined the packets in their and their partner's pockets. The results:

  • Vitamin C: 100% "strong"
  • artificial sweetener 0% "strong"
Details are in Diamond's book ... Here are a couple of videos that show ways of testing others
and by oneself:

This one gives a method you can do by yourself

This one shows how to do one person testing another

As for my stepson and his girlfriend: I did the test by myself and they came up free of coronavirus, so they got to come in the house for Thanksgiving. (I'll test them again just before Christmas.)